Birthing Hope International, South Sudan
We firmly believe that Africa can and will see transformation through strategic love and the empowerment of God’s people to BE His Church wherever they are called to be!
Our vision can be summarized by saying that God has commissioned us to be a part of: Restoring, Equipping & Empowering His people through Christ centered relationships and unifying works. We are focused on intentional, relational discipleship that sees people restored in relationship with their creator, equipped to be obedient disciples of Jesus & empowered to go out and fulfill their God given purpose for His glory.
What we do is both spiritual and practical; we labor knowing that God’s intent is a whole work of redemption and reconciliation for man & woman, concerning all of their relationships, as well as their physical environment.
Below you will find descriptions of outreach projects we are working on, and some of the financial needs for the ministry. We hope you enjoy sharing in these, praying along with us, and partnering with us in those areas you feel led.
Beth-El, A House of Prayer For All Nations:
Beth-El, is not a church but a ministry of and for the Church of Jesus Christ. This house serves as a filling station for God’s people. It’s planted through relationships with indigenous local churches and welcomes all who love the Lord Jesus Christ, or are seeking to know Him. Beth-El has a prayer room where anyone needing a quiet place to encounter God’s presence, pray, fast, study the Bible, etc… can come and receive. Worship and prayer go 24 hours a day at Beth-El and our gates are open to the public 7am to 7pm every day.
In addition to being an open, safe place for prayer and worship, Beth-El has a discipleship program focused on teaching believers to know God’s word AND to know clearly His voice. The goal of discipleship here is to see people know God intimately and to love Him deeply with their whole lives.

*Equip Discipleship:
Our goal is FAMILY, and making disciples of Jesus who go & make more disciples! This group is focused on modeling Agape love and discipleship, in the context of a multicultural community. We provide a safe place for men & women to ask questions, express beliefs and struggles, to learn what Jesus is calling them to do with their life, practice the spiritual gifts, and be encouraged to MULTIPLY. Equip is now happening on Monday & Friday nights at Beth-El House of Prayer in Hai Dar Salaam, Juba, South Sudan.
Saturday Children’s Bible & Play Outreach:
This weekly outreach is held in Hai Dar Salaam, at the Beth-El, A House of Prayer ministry compound. Each Saturday children come from all over the neighborhood to have 1-on-1 playtime and interaction with our disciples. They draw, jump rope, read, explore, play football/basketball, engage in group games, listen to a Bible lesson and enjoy a nutritious snack together. This outreach serves 50-70 children each week (ages 6 months to 15 years) and also serves in training followers of Jesus how to value, give personal attention to, teach and facilitate ministry to children of all ages.
Evangelism and Church Planting:

Birthing Hope has been a strategic partner in the planting of more than 6 church plants in our field over the years; 3 have come out of the evangelism, discipleship, and gospel efforts of Beth-El, A House of Prayer in Juba. Further information is available upon request. We thank God that His way works; share the Good News with all, strategically disciple believers in walking with Jesus, and new works full of the same are the result!

NEEDS: The needs of this work are great. At this time, all of Birthing Hope’s resources go to fund the work in South Sudan. Surprisingly, South Sudan is one of the most expensive places to live in the world. Although we are frugal with all of our funding and operate on a grassroots level, the work is costly. Discipleship is simple, fruitful and worth while. We say, the cost of commitment and our budget is worth it!
*Our greatest need now is monthly sponsorship for our Beth-El building & property. We have a very near deadline to renew our lease or buy the property before May 30th, 2024. Please inquire on the contact page if you are interested in more details or are willing to help us to not lose our current property. We need $2,500 more per month, or a sponsor who can assist us to purchase the property.
*A more rugged vehicle to carry our teams across country for outreach, discipleship and skills training. Right now is the perfect time to help us buy a Landcruiser as the market is flooded with affordable options.
A used landcruiser can be purchased for $20,000 to $30,000 USD.
*Visitors with a heart to connect with our disciples. We love visitors!! Due to the reality of our setting we cannot welcome more than 6 people at a time. If you are interested to meet our teams, see our work, serve in the House of Prayer or share your skills and talents with us, please contact us! We have many needs and opportunities to serve.